023: Giving Yourself Permission – Bec McMillan

In this episode:
In this episode of The Fearless Females Podcast your host Tegan Mathews interviews Bec McMillan who shares:
- What it used to be like to be Bec McMillan
- How you can turn things around by deciding to
- Giving yourself permission to just be yourself
- Discovering you aren’t as crazy as you feel like you might be
Tegan’s Take Aways:
- We chose the path we are on for the lessons it will give us
- It’s ok to be a beautiful disaster sometimes, you don’t have to be perfect
- Focus on bettering yourself every day but give yourself permission to mess up sometimes
- It doesn’t matter how dark things seem today, the sun will rise again tomorrow with a fresh new day
- To speak with pride instead of shame – always
About Bec McMillan
Jewellery Designer – Published Author of The Inspiration Bible – Radio personality – Inspirational Speaker- Mentor – Charity Event host – proud mother of two beautiful boys but most importantly a survivor on an extraordinary journey to help people through their struggles.
A story of a strong courageous woman whom has lived a life full of adversity and overcome so many challenges from a child up until present. Bec has endured the unthinkable, the kind of story that even the “Best” script writers could not begin to write- yet come out the other side an awakened soul that is shining brighter than one could imagine.
Bec’s sole purpose in life is to help Inspire people to face ANY situation/life circumstance with strength-courage & determination and to never give up no matter what.
Bec’s approach on overcoming the depths of extreme adversity are described as Raw & Real. Bec prides herself on not claiming to be “perfect” and to simply “allow” yourself to be human!
Bec believes this is what she was born to do and why she has lead the life she had up until her soul awakening in February 2014.
Allow Bec to INSPIRE you to NEVER GIVE UP and to not doubt your abilities!
Contact Bec McMillan
Inspire by Bec
A Gift for Listeners From Bec McMillan
Every listener has the opportunity to chose two items of their choice from Becs beautiful jewellery range and receive $10 off each item so that’s a total of $20 off which is wonderful. Click the button below to access Bec’s range of gorgeous healing jewellery which doesn’t just make you look good but feel good too. PM Bec to receive the discount.
Click here to see the full range of jewellery and choose 2 pieces for yourself
Show Notes: Episode 023: Giving yourself permission – Bec McMillan
Bec McMillan’s Fearless Story
- It was a bit of a ripple effect starting with things that happened to me as a child that I am only now beginning to remember.
- I got diagnosed with depression at fourteen which led to toxic decisions, toxic behaviours and self medication which led to addiction and so many self destructive behaviours.
- Really, all I could do was to just survive at the time but nothing prepared me for what came next when I accidentally took my 80 day old baby boy Jas’ life in an unsafe bed sharing accident where I was breast feeding him and I accidentally smothered him.
- I woke up to him blue and we brought him back to life but it was too late, he was brain dead so he died in my arms when I switched off the machine.
- Then I lost my nan, then I fell pregnant with twins and had one pass away inside of me and had to continue to carry the baby within me for months because they can’t do anything in that situation.
- Then after that my pop (grandfather) died and I found out my father had liver cancer and only had three months to live. At the time I was seven months pregnant and it all became too much and I had a breakdown.
- During that breakdown my new husband left me and I lost my relationships with my two sisters and my best friend. I think it was just too difficult for them to deal with all the mess that was happening on the outside. It was a really, really rough time for me.
- When I gave birth to my little boy Chance he came out with severe colic and was very stressed. He would cry for at least six hours a day and I barely got any sleep.
- That turned into glandular fever and then that turned into anxiety and then PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder). I kept seeing my new baby Chance as my deceased baby which was just horrific and that led me to being suicidal.
- I ended up booking myself into a mental hospital and got wrongly diagnosed with post partum psychosis and they sent me home saying I just needed new medication, support and sleep.
- That was actually a turning point for me because I was pleased to find out that I wasn’t actually crazy even though I felt I was losing it, it was reassuring to know that I wasn’t.
How did you turn it around?
- That was actually a turning point for me because I was so pleased to find out that I wasn’t actually crazy even though I felt I was losing it, it was reassuring to know that I wasn’t.
- That made me realise my inner strength and these days I hold my head high that I am so strong.
What are the gifts you received from your experience?
- Through all of my turmoil I discovered spirituality, energy work and the law of attraction so there was a lot of good that came of it.
- I truly believe that I chose to be Bec McMillan and I chose this path so that I could be the person to help inspire others to know that no matter what life throws at you, you do have the power to turn it all around and do some really great things.
- Not everyone has to endure the things I have or do the things I am doing but everyone does have the power to move forward from adversity and not live a life hiding away like I did for so long.
Memorable Moments
- Co-authoring the Inspiration Bible and telling my story and putting myself out there to the whole world was really scary because of the taboo against mental health problems and the stigma.
- So, it was fearless of me to put myself out there and say that yes, I had all of those things happen to me and yes, “I’m captain crazy” and to own all of that.
- Then I started getting messages from all over the world of people who had read my story and had been inspired by it.
- For me to discover that people don’t look down on me for having mental health problems and they actually look up to me. This was huge for me and I have been unstoppable since.
What are you passionate about today?
- I wear many crowns (not hats!) today and the most exciting is the launch of my crystal jewellery range and essential oils.
- I’m all about making people feel good and I get so much joy out of receiving letters and pictures of people wearing my jewellery and thinking, “Wow, I created that!”. It’s almost better than becoming an author.
- With my jewellery, its feel good fashion so its not just about looking good but it’s feeling good at the same time.
How did you get from where you were to where you are today?
- I made a decision! Making a decision to start somewhere is a key point. So I made a decision to make an effort. I started to put good nutrition into my body. I started with my essential oils and crystals.
- I looked for ways to raise my vibration so I put up inspirational quotes around my house, put on uplifting music, watch funny videos.
- Just little things to lift me out of the depression and self-loathing and get my confidence back and feeling good about myself again. I lost 18 kilo’s which was also a good achievement. Once I had lost the first 7 kilos I then had the confidence to step into a gym to lose the rest.
- It’s just a ripple effect of self-care. Feeding yourself with love.
What is something in your future plan that scares you?
- Getting into the media and the public eye, I am afraid that people will judge me for my past.
- I made some toxic decisions in my teenage years and early twenties and it just worries me that someone will take a piece of my past and judge me on that instead of the person I am today.
- I know I shouldn’t worry about what others think of me and I know I am as strong as a lion but I am also secretly sensitive too. So that’s what scares me.
- There you go, I just put that vulnerability out there!
- This is why it’s important to surround yourself with people who believe in you.
- I believe that my past has given me the tools I need to recognise when someone else is troubled and the lessons I have learnt and continue to learn are part of the lessons that life gives you.
- I also try and better myself every day but I also give myself permission to stuff up because I am not perfect and that’s ok because at least I’m trying and giving it a go.
Five Fast Fun Fearless Facts about Bec McMillan
- Who inspires you? Oprah! She gives me Aha moments every time I listen to her. What a wise, awesome lady!
- Favourite thing to do each day? To open up the blinds and welcome the new day. It doesn’t matter how dark things get the sun will always rise the next day – you always have a new day the next day!
- What’s something that still scares you? Sponge foam! I don’t know where it comes from but if you come near me with foam I will run away screaming like a little girl.
- Favourite technique or app or book? I love my healing crystals and mixing up essential oils. I think they are an essential part of every day life to support you to get through things.
- If you could wave a magic wand and fix one thing in the world right now, what would it be and why? Mental health problems! Mental health issues are the cause of seven deaths a day and it is something that has a ripple effect. It doesn’t just effect the person going through it but all of those around them as well.
Final Question for Bec McMillan
If you could turn back time what’s the one piece of advice you wish you could give your fourteen-year-old self?
- That I am worthy and I am beautiful and I am enough!
Where can people reach out to you?
Facebook – Inspire by Bec
A Gift for Listeners From Bec McMillan
Every listener has the opportunity to chose two items of their choice from Becs beautiful jewellery range and receive $10 off each item so that’s a total of $20 off which is wonderful. Click the button below to access Bec’s range of gorgeous healing jewellery which doesn’t just make you look good but feel good too. PM Bec for the discount.
Click here to see the full range of jewellery and choose 2 pieces for yourself
Thanks for having me! I hope i helped somehow xx Love Bec xx
I am sure you already have Bec xo
Bec I am so glad many years on to see that you truly are a survivor.. I along with my daughter were a few of the many people who helped behind the scenes .. helped packing up your house after a call out for help .. I was soo concerned for you at the time and have often wondered how you are going ..
sending love and light me xo ?