The courage to be brave
What's stopping you?
Do you stand by and watch others face their challenges bravely and wish you could do it too?
Do you find yourself holding back in life because of the fears that fill your head with self-doubt?
Are you the one who never puts their hand up for a promotion because you lack the confidence in yourself?
Recently I faced a whole bunch of fears when I confronted some pretty big demons from my past.
Everyone was so encouraging and supportive and said that I was so brave!
But I didn't do it alone. I used a method I've been using for a long time now to manage the fears that used to hold me back from...well... everything!
This method is easy to understand, gets better with practice, and works in any situation.
Rather than keeping this magic formula to myself, I want to share it so that you too can find the courage to be brave.
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If you're ready to face your fears and show them who's boss then join the waiting list to the next Facing Fears Like A Boss 7 Day Challenge and I'll let you know as soon as the next one's scheduled

Facing Fears like a Boss 7 day Challenge
You're going to love being part of a small group of people who, like you, are ready to re-discover their inner bravery and stop letting their fears run their lives.
Every day for seven days you'll be coached by me via Facebook live, you'll also receive an email with an accompanying activity and by the end of the week you'll know my secret, that gets me through every scary situation.
Here's what I've got in store for you:
Day 1 - Discover how fear tricks you into keeping you small - knowledge is power
Day 2 - Learn to recognise the symptoms of fear and how they show up in your life
Day 3 - Practice evaluating what is a real threat, what needs action and what to let go of
Day 4 - How to engage the best kind of support you need - you can't be fearless alone
Day 5 - Decision making and how to break through being a victim of your fears
Day 6 - The power of action and how to take it and keep the momentum going
Day 7 - The art of mastering your fear and making it a habit
All of this goodness will be delivered via daily Facebook lives and followed up with an email & activity plus support via a private Facebook group. You'll also have direct access to me via the Facebook group to ask questions and the support of other like-minded people within the group.
What people have to say about Facing Fears:
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If you're ready to face your fears and show them who's boss then join the waiting list to the next Facing Fears Like A Boss 7 Day Challenge and I'll let you know as soon as the next one's scheduled

Who am I...
My name is Tegan Mathews and I'm just like you.
My life used to be controlled entirely by my fears and I didn't even know it until I picked up a book called Fearless Living at an airport one day.
When I got off that flight over twelve hours later it was one of those lightbulb moments when you discover what's been holding you back for years, you just know your life is about to change, and you'll never be the same again.
That was twelve years ago now and since then I have passionately pursued anything and everything to do with fear and faced many of my own fears as well as helping others to face theirs.
Recently I decided it was time to face some of the major demons from my past. I visited the properties where I had spent my teenage years and had been subjected to all types of physical, sexual and emotional abuse.
This was an incredibly powerful experience for me. Together with the professional support of my therapist, and my Facing Fears Freedom method, I was able to deal with the flood of memories, face many fears and remove any residual negative energy.
I shared this experience on social media in the hope of inspiring others to do the same and the public support I received was amazing.
So I've decided to share the method I used so that you too can experience the freedom and absolute happiness I now feel. That inner strength and downright powerfulness that comes from Facing Fears like a Boss! 🙂
What happens next...
All you've got to do next is pop your contact details in the boxes below so that I can send you all the good stuff and hit "Yes, I'm ready to kick my fears to the curb"
Then you'll be taken directly to join the Private Facebook Group I've set up especially for you so you have a safe space to be yourself. This is where the content will be delivered once the challenge starts (plus a few bonuses before hand too).
Next, you'll then want to check your emails for confirmation and some preliminary work (don't worry, it's not much and will only take you a minute or two).
If you can't find the email check Mr Spam folder first as it can go into there accidentally sometimes.
After that you'll be all ready to rock and roll! I can't wait to meet you in the group and hopefully get to meet you in person some day too.
Oh, and if you think of anyone else who might like to discover how to face their fears, feel free to share this page with them. The more people in the group, the stronger it's going to be and having people in there you know can also make the journey even more successful for you.
Tick Tock, Tick Tock...What are you waiting for?
Join the Facing Fears like a Boss 7 day challenge
and take back the control in your life
You just missed the Facing Fears like a Boss 7 day Challenge
Join the waiting list to be notified first when the next one starts
If you're ready to face your fears and show them who's boss then join the waiting list to the next Facing Fears Like A Boss 7 Day Challenge and I'll let you know as soon as the next one's scheduled