Keeping your passion for travel ignited
Choose from a range of options to satisfy your wanderlust
Take a tour, read a blog, join the challenge, or change your life with the course...
Virtual Tours
Escape from reality and be inspired by joining a virtual tour to different locations throughout the world. Join in live and add your experiences or watch it later.
Travel Blogs
Lose yourself in the images and words as I share some of my adventures from around the world over the past five plus years. Laugh at my mishaps and connect with my journey.
Live Mini Workshop
Join me for a live mini-workshop (which means live action taking) and create your own Freedom Travel Lifestyle. Walk away with an action plan ready to make it a reality.
The Great Escape Course
Are you ready to escape the high cost of living by learning how to travel the world full-time. Find out all about this incredibly life changing course by clicking the button below.
The Great Escape Course
Turn your dream into reality
If you spend your days dreaming of far-off lands but don't want to jeapordise your retirement, and definitely don't want to backpack, blog, or become an influencer to turn your dream of a freedom lifestyle into reality then we have some good news for you!
We have turned our experience of five years of traveling the globe full-time, plus the two years of preparation before that, into an online course so that you can prepare your life and business so you can travel the world (when we can again) stress-free and comfortably.
Everything you'll ever need
We take you through the different stages and hold your hand all the way through the process.
From clarifying your dream, what freedom means to you, and your travel style through to the planning, budgeting, what to do with the house, setting a deadline, dealing with family, and everything else in between.
Not for the backpacking twenty somethings
This course has been designed for the more mature person because that's us. We know what it's like to have adult responsibilities and we also don't believe in going without, carrying a backpack everywhere, or staying in less than comfortable places.
We are all about comfort, slow pace, and not using your savings!

The Great Escape Course
The complete step by step guide to escape the high cost of living by travelling the world instead
Let me take you by the hand and help you navigate all the things you need to do to go from stuck buried under the stresses of the high cost of living through to living your ultimate dream travel lifestyle. Slow travelling this beautiful earth living your retirement lifestyle now while saving more money than you ever have before.
Jam-packed full of information, videos, checklists, and workbooks, you'll love this one of a kind course that's been designed specifically for women in their fifties (Not for Millenials) by a woman in her fifties who's been living this lifestyle successfully for over seven years now. Because lets face it, we have different needs, responsibilities, wants and desires now than we did when we were in our twenties.
** No backpacking ** No camping ** No being frugal ** No selfies required **
Enrollment is opening soon for 2023 intake so click the link below to find out all about it.
Hi and welcome to our world
In 2013 after dating for only three months we set off on our first adventure together - a road trip across America. Two years later we took the brave step of getting rid of all our 'stuff', changing our bricks-and-mortar business to online, and buying a one-way ticket around the world.
Seven years on, (17 countries, a gazillion miles, and three thriving businesses), besides getting married, that was the best decision we've ever made!
What's been the most incredible part though is how much money we've managed to save by living this slow travelling lifestyle. Last year we bought a five bedroom villa in Italy and paid cash for it. We're debt free now after starting out with a huge debt over our heads. AND we've put more money into our super (retirement fund) than we ever did the ten years prior to travelling.
So, if you've had enough of the ridiculously high cost of living at home, and the financial pressures and stress from it all, and you'd like to experience more in life while you're still young enough to enjoy it. Then stick with us here and let us show you how we did it and how you can too.
We've poured everything we've learned over the past seven years into our The Great Escape Course to help you to make this lifestyle of freedom and travel, your new normal.
We look forward to providing you with the support and guidance you'll need to make this journey a success for you.
With love and kindness always,
Tegan and Clark
Here's a quick snapshot of our freedom travel lifestyle
Live Mini Workshop
How I paid off 200k+ debt while travelling full-time and how you can too
I'm peeling back the lid on how I paid off 200k+ debt and reduced my credit card debt to zero, plus bought a 5 bed villa in Italy (for cash), and have put more $$$ into my retirement fund than the 20 years before.
If you're ready to escape these high living costs and create real financial freedom while living a truly magnificent lifestyle of travel then this live interactive mini-workshop is for you.
You'll walk away with a step by step plan on how you can go from living pay check to pay check and just working to pay the bills, all the way through to living the life you've always dreamed of.
** No backpacking ** No camping ** No being frugal ** No selfies required **
Please note: By registering you are agreeing to join our mailing list and you will be notified of each webinar coming up plus other information, travel tips, tricks, podcasts & blogs. We won't spam you nor do we share your email address with anyone else. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Wouldn't you rather these office views?
Are you done with the mundane?
- feeling like there's got to be more to life
- tired of working long hours tied to a desk
- feel stuck in the traditional rat race rut
- have a business but have no spare time
- want more holidays than you currently get
- have an empty nest and wondering what next
- dream of full-time world travel but don't know how
- wish you were already retired so that you could just go
Then let us show you how you can live the benefits of your retirement lifestyle now while you're still young enough to enjoy it

Join me on a virtual tour
New destinations
Every month we choose a new destination and map out a tour based on our personal adventures, friends' experiences and local knowledge. Then we collate images, videos, and commentary into a live webinar format that will walk you through the landscape views, food experiences, connections with the local people, and the culture of that location.
Join in the LIVE conversation by adding your own comments and sharing your experiences and stories of that particular location. Or you can watch it later and simply be transported away from your current situation.
Leave uplifted & inspired
Our intention is by the end of the virtual tour you will have had a laugh at some of our mishaps, connected with another culture, and maybe even reminisced if you happen to have visited that location before. You'll leave feeling more relaxed, having escaped from reality for a little while, and your passion for travel will have been re-ignited and remains with you as you go about your day.
How it works
Click the images to your right here and link through to previous tours OR register below and you'll receive a link in your inbox to the next tour plus all future tours too.
Then either join us "LIVE" at the designated time by clicking on the link provided to you via email (on your computer or phone) and then sit back and watch as we walk you through the landscape, food, people, and culture of that location.
OR you can watch it later when the recording is sent in a link into your inbox.
Either way, we hope you enjoy our tours as much as we love presenting them for you and we hope they bring you some joy and inspiration during these challenging times.
Register here to join the virtual tour series
NEXT TOUR: You just missed the tour of Thailand
Join us as we take you on a virtual tour of the magical country of Thailand. We start in the northern tropical oasis of Chiang Mai, visit the hustling city of Bangkok, and then head south to the island of Phuket plus a couple of other little hidden gems along the way.
DATE: Watch the replay
(You just missed this virtual tour but you can watch the replay)
Please note: By registering you are agreeing to join our mailing list and you will be notified of each webinar coming up plus other information, travel tips, tricks, podcasts & blogs. We won't spam you nor do we share your email address with anyone else. You can unsubscribe at any time.
You can not discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore